17.06. | 24.06. | 01.07. | 08.07. | 15.07. | 22.07. | 29.07. | 05.08. | 12.08. | 19.08. | 26.08. | 02.09. | 09.09. | 16.09.

Mini Farmers' Market Vrsar

Your opportunity to shop local products

About this Event

Indulge in the authentic flavors of Istria and support local farmers by visiting Degrassi Square in Vrsar Old Town every Saturday from 6 to 9 pm. Here, you’ll have the opportunity to savor and purchase a delightful array of locally sourced agricultural products, all straight from the dedicated hands of small-scale farmers.

The market offers products from Istria:

  • honey and other bee products
  • olive oil
  • delicacies
  • wine
  • grappa
  • fruits and vegetables
  • fruit marmalade and jam
  • cosmetic products
  • essential oil

Time and Place

About the Organizer

The Vrsar Tourist Board is an organization responsible for promoting tourism in Vrsar.  The Vrsar Tourist Board provides information and assistance to visitors, organizes events and festivals.

Questions? Contact us!