Top 10 things to do in Vrsar

Top 10 Things to do in Vrsar

Welcome to Vrsar, a hidden gem that lies on the enchanting coast of the Istrian peninsula in Croatia. A charming blend of natural beauty, rich history and coastal charm, Vrsar offers an unforgettable experience for visitors seeking a unique vacation destination. From the moment you arrive, you’ll be captivated by the city’s picturesque setting, with azure waters and sun-kissed beaches stretching out before you.

Vrsar caters to a wide range of interests, ensuring that there is something for everyone. History buffs will enjoy the town’s ancient past, reflected in its well-preserved architecture and fascinating landmarks. Adventure seekers can enjoy a wide range of activities. Whether it’s hiking along scenic trails, exploring the depths of the Adriatic Sea through scuba diving or sailing, or taking exhilarating boat trips to nearby islands and bays. 

With its idyllic setting, its many attractions and its warm hospitality, Vrsar invites you to embark on an unforgettable journey of exploration and discovery. So come and immerse yourself in the charm of this picturesque Croatian town. Here, every moment is filled with enchantment and beauty.

1. Explore the old town

Immerse yourself in the rich history and captivating atmosphere of the Old Town of Vrsar, a charming maze of narrow cobbled streets, ancient stone houses and hidden squares. Exploring the Old Town is like stepping back in time, with every corner revealing a piece of its fascinating past.

As you stroll through the winding streets, you’ll be greeted by beautifully preserved architecture that is a reminder of the city’s medieval heritage. Admire the finely crafted facades, arched doorways and charming little corners decorated with vibrant flowers. The city’s well-preserved architecture offers a glimpse into its architectural evolution over the centuries.

Don’t miss visiting St. Martin’s Church, a stunning Romanesque church that testifies to Vrsar’s spiritual and cultural importance. Step inside and you will be transported to a world of peace and devotion as you discover its serene interior adorned with ornate details.

Along the way, you’ll find inviting cafes, charming shops and local artisan boutiques. Come browse for unique souvenirs and immerse yourself in the local culture. Surrounded by centuries-old buildings and the pleasant chatter of locals going about their day, take a moment to relax in the charming square Degrassi.

As you delve deeper into the Old Town, you’ll come across breathtaking panoramic viewpoints that offer beautiful views of the Adriatic Sea and the surrounding countryside. Capture the perfect photo or simply pause to take in the beauty of your surroundings.

Exploring the old town of Vrsar is not only a must, it’s an opportunity to connect with the soul of the town and immerse yourself in its timeless charm. So wander freely, let the cobblestone streets guide you, and discover the hidden stories and treasures that await you in every corner of this enchanting Croatian gem.

2. Enjoy the Vrsar Riviera

While in Vrsar, don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the town’s Riviera, a coastal paradise that will captivate your senses and leave you with unforgettable memories. Stretching along the crystal clear waters of the Adriatic Sea, the Vrsar Riviera offers a peaceful and picturesque setting for relaxing and exploring.

Dip your toes into the smooth pebbles as the gentle waves lull you into a state of peacefulness. Take in the breathtaking views of the azure sea stretching out before you and bask in the warm Mediterranean sun. Whether you’re looking for a quiet spot to relax or a lively beach scene with beach bars and activities, the Vrsar Riviera has it all. 

Take a leisurely stroll along the promenade that skirts the coast and offers a panoramic view of the Riviera. When the sun begins to set, the Vrsar Riviera turns into a romantic oasis. Walk hand in hand with your loved one and watch the sky turn orange and pink, giving a magical glow to the horizon. Find a cozy restaurant on the beach and enjoy the delicacies of fresh seafood while sipping a glass of local wine and embracing the true essence of the Mediterranean. We recommend the Casanova restaurant for modern Croatian cuisine and the best sunset in town. 

The Vrsar Riviera invites you to escape your cares and immerse yourself in natural beauty. Whether you are looking for relaxation, adventure or just a moment of serenity by the sea, Vrsar’s promenade and beaches have it all.

3. Take a boat trip

One of the first things that should come to your mind when you wonder what to do in Vrsar is to take a boat ride, and you are right, you should not miss the chance. Discover the breathtaking coastal wonders that lie just beyond the shores of Vrsar. Renting a boat, for example from Montraker Sport Center, gives you the freedom to explore the sparkling waters of the Adriatic at your own pace, creating unforgettable memories along the way.

Once you set sail from Vrsar, you’ll have several options for your boating experience. Cruise along the picturesque coastline where rugged cliffs give way to hidden coves and beaches. Navigate the azure waters past charming seaside villages and lush green landscapes and feel the refreshing sea breeze.

One of the highlights of a boat trip in Vrsar is the opportunity to visit the famous Lim Bay or better known as Lim Fjord. This natural wonder, a narrow and 12km long bay flanked by steep cliffs, offers a mesmerizing backdrop for exploration. Marvel at the emerald waters and the dense vegetation that surrounds the bay, creating a serene and magical atmosphere. Be sure to indulge in the delicious seafood delicacies at Viking, the local restaurant on Lim Bay, where you can sample the freshest catch of the day.

For those seeking a bit more adventure, you can head further out to sea and explore the nearby islands. The idyllic islands offer secluded beaches and crystal clear waters. Snorkel or scuba dive to explore the vibrant marine life beneath the surface.

As you navigate the Adriatic, keep an eye out for dolphins, who often playfully swim alongside boats, providing an amazing experience in nature’s playground.

A boat trip in Vrsar is a truly unforgettable experience that will allow you to appreciate the coastline of the city from a unique perspective. Whether you’re looking to relax, explore or a combination of the two, renting a boat is the perfect way to create lasting memories as you set sail on the crystal clear waters of the Adriatic Sea.

4. Visit the sculpture park of Dusan Dzamonja

Visiting the Dusan Dzamonja Sculpture Park in Vrsar means being immersed in art and imagination. Located in a peaceful forest area near the town, this open-air gallery presents the visionary works of the renowned Croatian sculptor Dusan Dzamonja. Get ready to experience a harmonious blend of nature and art.

Upon entering, you’ll be greeted by a collection of monumental sculptures that blend seamlessly into the landscape. Each piece has a unique message and symbolism that invites the viewer to interpret and connect with the vision. From the abstract forms to the thought-provoking figurative sculptures, Dusan Dzamonja’s artworks evoke a sense of awe and contemplation.

Dusan Dzamonja Sculpture Park not only celebrates the artist’s creative genius, but also testifies to art’s power to transform and enhance natural spaces. It offers a retreat for those seeking to appreciate art, to appreciate nature, and to find inspiration.

Dusan Dzamonja was born on November 27, 1928 in Strumica, Macedonia, and died on December 30, 2009 in Zagreb, Croatia. Known for his significant contributions to modern and contemporary art, he was a prominent Croatian sculptor. A graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, Dzamonja began his artistic career in the 1950s. Characterized by monumental scale and powerful symbolism, his sculptures often explore themes of human existence, nature, and man’s relationship with technology. Dzamonja’s works can be found in a variety of public spaces, parks and galleries throughout Croatia as well as internationally. Leaving a lasting legacy in the world of sculpture, his art continues to inspire and provoke contemplation.

A visit to the Dusan Dzamonja Sculpture Park in Vrsar is a journey of exploration, contemplation and appreciation, and should definitely be on your to-do list while in Vrsar.

5. Try the local cuisine

A visit to Vrsar is not complete without tasting the local cuisine. It’s an experience that will delight your taste buds and immerse you in the flavors of Istria. The town is home to several exceptional restaurants that highlight the culinary treasures of the region.

One of the most outstanding restaurants in Vrsar is Trošt, a renowned family-owned restaurant that offers a harmonious blend of traditional Istrian and Mediterranean cuisine. From fresh seafood to local ingredients, their menu captures the essence of regional gastronomy. Try their beef tartare! 

Galiner is another gem not to be missed. This charming restaurant in the old town’s main square offers great atmosphere, delicious pizza and Istrian-inspired dishes. Galiner promises an unforgettable dining experience with its warm atmosphere and attentive service.

For those looking for a casual yet lively atmosphere, Fancita is a popular choice. This vibrant restaurant serves a delicious array of pizzas, grilled meats and local favorites. It’s the perfect place to relax with friends or family while enjoying a hearty meal.

To truly immerse yourself in the world of Istrian delicacies, a visit to Kalcic is a must. This meat, wine and olive oil shop offers a delicious selection of salami, cheese, olive oil and wine produced in the region. Immerse yourself in a tasting experience that will introduce you to the rich flavors and quality products for which Istria is known.

In Vrsar, a taste of the local cuisine isn’t just about nourishment; it’s a journey into the heart and soul of Istria. From exquisite seafood to traditional delicacies, the town’s restaurants and specialty shops offer a culinary experience that will leave you hungry for more of the region’s gastronomic delights.

6. Attend an olive oil tasting

Enter the world of olive oil at Ursaria Olive Farm in Vrsar and embark on a sensory journey celebrating Istria’s liquid gold. This family-owned and operated olive farm invites visitors to discover the art of olive oil production and to enjoy a delightful olive oil tasting experience.

As you arrive at Ursaria, you’ll be greeted by rows of olive trees, their silver-green leaves glistening in the sunlight. Tour the olive groves and learn about growing, harvesting and pressing olives from the farm’s knowledgeable hosts. You will learn about the traditional methods and modern techniques that are used to produce high quality olive oil.

The highlight of your visit is sure to be the olive oil tasting session. With expert guidance, you’ll have the opportunity to taste a variety of extra virgin olive oils that are produced on site. From mild and fruity to robust and peppery, each oil has its own distinct flavor profile. Discover the tastes and aromas that have made Istrian olive oil famous all over the world.

Your hosts will teach you about the different varieties of olives, the characteristics of the soil and the influence of the climate on olive oil production. You will better understand the artistry and commitment required to produce exceptional olive oil.

For your olive oil tasting experience, the Ursaria Olive Farm offers a tranquil and picturesque setting. Breathe in the fragrant aroma of the olive trees and savor the flavors that dance on your palate as you take in the panoramic views of the surrounding countryside and Lim Bay.

You’ll leave Ursaria with not only bottles of exquisite olive oil, but a newfound understanding and appreciation for this ancient Mediterranean treasure. The Ursaria Olive Tasting in Vrsar is an invitation to explore the aromas, traditions and stories interwoven into the very essence of the Istrian culinary heritage. Make your reservation here

7. Take part in cultural events

Take part in Vrsar’s many events and festivals and immerse yourself in its vibrant cultural scene. This picturesque town offers visitors an unforgettable experience, with a wide range of opportunities to get involved with local traditions, music and festivities.

One of the highlights of Vrsar’s cultural calendar is the Fishermen’s Festival. These lively celebrations feature a variety of activities and performances and pay homage to the town’s fishing heritage. Enjoy delicious seafood prepared by local chefs and fishermen, great music and many activities for children. Soak up the vibrant atmosphere. The town comes alive with music, dancing and a sense of community.

The Historical Fair below the castle is another event not to be missed. This enchanting fair takes you back in time and recreates the medieval atmosphere of Vrsar. Walk through the paved streets where artisans display their crafts and enjoy the re-enactments, live music and fascinating performances that will transport you to a bygone era.

Vrsar’s nightlife also offers a vibrant music scene. Live performances take place in popular bars such as Nieves and Ladonja. Sip on refreshing cocktails and enjoy the melodic tunes and energetic rhythms of local and international musicians. These venues offer the perfect setting for an unforgettable night surrounded by the charming atmosphere of Vrsar.

Attending Vrsar’s cultural events isn’t just a chance to be entertained; it’s a chance to connect with the town’s rich heritage, traditions and lasting memories. Whether tapping your feet to live music, exploring the Historical Fair, or enjoying the Fishermen’s Festival festivities, these cultural events will undoubtedly enrich your experience in this enchanting Croatian gem. Here you can find all current events in Vrsar.

8. Explore the Lim Bay Nature Park

Situated along the Istrian coast near Vrsar, discover the breathtaking beauty of the Lim Bay Nature Reserve. With its stunning fjord-like bay, lush greenery, crystal clear waters and diverse wildlife, it offers a picturesque setting for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.

One of the best ways to experience Lim Bay is to hike or bike along the trails that meander along the craggy cliffs, offering stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Lace up your hiking boots or grab your bike and embark on a journey through the reserve. Immerse yourself in the serene atmosphere and take in the panoramic views that unfold before you.

Alternatively, take a boat or kayak to explore Lim Bay from a different perspective. Paddle through the calm waters of the bay, surrounded by dramatic cliffs and lush vegetation, by renting a kayak or joining a guided tour. As you glide along, be sure to keep an eye out for the abundant bird life that calls this area home, including herons, cormorants, and several species of gulls.

However you choose to explore Lim Bay Nature Reserve, you’ll be treated to unparalleled natural beauty and tranquility. Capture the breathtaking views with your camera, breathe in the fresh coastal air and enjoy the serenity of this protected ecosystem.

The Lim Bay Nature Reserve is a haven for nature lovers who want to immerse themselves in the wonders of the Istrian coast. Whether you choose to hike the trails, embark on a boat or kayak adventure, or simply enjoy the panoramic views, this pristine natural gem is sure to leave you in awe and in touch with the beauty of nature.

9. Go paddle boarding or kayaking

Experience Vrsar’s calm waters in a new way by indulging in paddleboarding or kayaking. These exciting water activities let you submerge yourself in the natural beauty of this coastal town and make memorable memories on the shimmering Adriatic.

To start your aquatic adventure, head to the Montraker Sport Center, where you can conveniently rent paddleboards or kayaks. They provide everything you need for a safe and enjoyable experience with quality equipment and friendly service.

Gliding over the calm waters, paddle boarding in Vrsar offers a unique blend of tranquility and excitement. As you navigate along the coast and take in the stunning views of the coastline, cliffs and surrounding islands, feel the gentle sea breeze caress your skin. The clear waters of Vrsar are the perfect playground for this exhilarating activity, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced paddler.

Kayaking is an excellent option if you prefer a more relaxed water adventure. Jump in and explore Vrsar’s hidden coves, secluded beaches and charming bays. Discover the fascinating marine life, colorful underwater world and breathtaking coastal scenery as you paddle at your own pace.

Paddle boarding or kayaking in Vrsar will not only provide you with an exhilarating experience, but will also allow you to connect with nature and find your inner peace. Whether you choose to go paddle boarding or kayaking, these water activities will provide you with a unique perspective of the coastal charm of Vrsar and are sure to leave you with lasting memories of adventure and relaxation.

10. Experience a unique picnic

Vrsar offers you the opportunity to create a truly unique and unforgettable picnic experience within the beautiful surroundings of an olive grove. Among the ancient olive trees that dot the landscape, immerse yourself in the beauty of nature and indulge in a romantic rendezvous. Whether you are looking for a special place for a proposal or just a unique experience with your friends, this is the place for you. 

Imagine arriving at a picturesque olive grove where a beautifully arranged picnic awaits. Soft blankets, comfortable pillows, and a table with a delicious spread set the stage for an intimate picnic. As you relax in the peaceful atmosphere, enjoy the taste of local cheeses, freshly baked bread, juicy fruit, and a selection of olives and olive oil, representing the essence of Istrian cuisine.

Alternatively, you can opt for a filled picnic bag if you prefer the flexibility of choosing your own location. Pick up a carefully prepared bag filled with delicious treats from a local supplier and set off to find your perfect picnic spot. Whether it’s a secluded beach, a shady park, a boat, or a scenic overlook, the choice is yours. Sit down, spread out your picnic blanket and enjoy a delicious meal surrounded by the natural beauty that Vrsar has to offer.

A unique picnic experience in an olive grove or the flexibility of a packed picnic bag allows you to enjoy the tranquility of nature, indulging in delicious tastes and creating precious memories with loved ones. No matter which option you choose, it’s an opportunity to escape from everyday life and enjoy the magic of the Vrsar countryside and the pleasures of a picnic.

More than just a fisher town

More than just a fishing town, Vrsar is an enchanting destination that offers a wealth of experiences to delight every traveler. Whether you choose to immerse yourself in the winding streets of the Old Town, discover its historical treasures and vibrant atmosphere, or relax on its sun-kissed beaches and take in the breathtaking views of the Adriatic Sea. With its rich history, its natural beauty, and it’s warm hospitality, Vrsar invites you to discover its many hidden treasures and to create unforgettable memories.


Evening Under Olive Trees
Enjoy an olive farm walking tour followed by a tasting of premium olive oils.